Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thought Foreigners had it Bad

Through recent events with lot of foreigners here in Cebu,, I was starting to feel just a little angry.. Again feeling the pressure of no rights, and being treated unfairly, and kindly feeling picked on you might say.. In the process of going through all the news reports and all of the videos of some of the recent events here in Cebu.. I started digging deeper and deeper into videos, and articles, and before I realized it.. Wow, i was finding story's of injustice, mis treatment, kidnapping, and just in general a total lack of respect period.. Was what I found against Foreigners.. NO.. It was against Filipino's themselves.. I was really shocked to find all the horrible and unjust things that have happened to Filipino, by their own people and own government..

Read about to young ladies who were abducted by the army for helping farmers, and where never heard of again.. The family have witness and know who was part of it, and why.. But, still to this day, the family seeks for justice.. The facts are there, the proof is there, but it seems everyone just looks over it, or pays no attention.. I found murders, kidnappings, robberies, and so many others where it was obvious that the accused was " sold down the road " or framed.. Maybe for political or personal reasons... The system was really doing nothing to help them.. Even with the evidence they had, and the things they known. It was just thrown back into their face, like it did not matter..

So I guess the old saying is very true.. When you think you have it bad, just walk down the street and look at someone else life, and you realize you do not have it as bad as you might think... As foreigners we hit the headlines first, and we are the talk of the town, when something goes wrong.. How everyone screams in justice, poor police work, and picking on foreigners... " Which in most cases is very true." But , wow, how much more the Filipino people themselves have had to deal with in justice.. It kind of made me turn from feeling all like the mis treated little kid on the block... To saying.. Wow, need to be quite for the small things that are happing to us, compared to the massive amount of the same treatment being dished out on their own people.. I started feeling a little guilty. Specially knowing the fact, at its headline news, and foreigners have at least people for or against them.. Or the means to fight.. Some of the horror stories of the Filipino I seen and read about,, not to many people even know they exist.. Plus, the family's have no real means to fight...

No matter what nationality we are, no matter where we come from,, all should be treated with respect and honor, and given justice , and fair and unbiased process for any situation.. What happens to some foreigners here recently and in the past here in PI, is very wrong, and is not handled fairly and honorable.. But, how much more, the thousands and thousands of Filipino stories out there, that never get told, and never get mentioned, that face the same injustice.. So you might say,, even when a foreigner gets into trouble, guilty or not, he still gets a better chance and more attention, then the local...

So are foreigners really targeted for injustice.. Are we treated fairly ??? Another big question in which seems to keep my head spinning and spinning here in PI.. On one hand I see said , oh look out of the foreigner and sex trade, and human trafficking. Look out for the foreigner wanting to have young girls and sex videos.. They are watched and really concentrated on for that.. BUT, then you have so many, so many Filipino's who do the same, and who facilitate and organize these actions. They are never mentioned much or even charged with accessories..

Then again,, you have the Filipino who suffers in justice,, much more in numbers then foreigners.. Who have family members murdered, because of politics, and never see a arrest. Children taken, business closed, homes taken, rapes, and all kinds of horrible things.. Even with witness and proof, they never see any justice.. They are lost in the judicial system, if ever even getting that far..

So all in all is one worse than the other, does one get more benefits, or get more in justice then the other.. Who would have a better chance at getting justice for a crime, or proven innocent for a crime they did not commit.. My vote would go for the Foreigner..... Which is the whole point of this article.. When we as foreigners think we are " getting the shaft, or not being treated fairly, or not getting the justice we deserve.",, and are being singled out because we are foreigners... Just look at the thousand of Filipino's who have had the same or worse done to them,, and because they were Filipino's ,, they never got the attention.... Do we still deserve justice and fair process.. YES,, do we still want it,, YES.. But I believe now, just because I am White would not be the entire reason for it.. Look how many Filipino goes through the same thing.. They all deserve Justice....

1 comment:

  1. I have a wife from the Philippines and I have to admit, you are right on. But I do see the difference between Americans and Filipinos. It is very simple really. We finish what we start. Too often I would walk by a construction site and see the Filipino workers sleeping. The excuse was 'its hot'. I live in the southwest desert where our summer temps reach 115 plus! Some people say, 'but it is a dry heat', to that I say, but it is 115!!! I work through it and collapse. But I press on. I finish it. I have seen buildings in the Philippines 20 years in the making and still the rebar is sticking up waiting for the money to finish it. It will never come. I would blame the builder, but it is deeper than that. I have been in the Philippine judicial system, and it is paralyzed. If you want justice, you will not find it there. I once went to court there, my lawyer didn't show up, and I told the court I didn't need him. I said I could defend myself as I have done before in American courts. I said I have confidence that the judge will see the facts for what they are, and a lawyer wouldn't be necessary. The judge said we couldn't continue until my lawyer was present. Appalling. So you see, when an individual cannot pay a lawyer, you will lose the case no matter how stupid it is. Our case was based on hearsay. So I ask this rhetorical question: How can a case based on hearsay and inadmissible evidence carry on before the judge for 9 plus years and keep going back to court over and over? Is the Philippine judicial system so powerless that it cannot throw out the garbage? I have attended as a witness far more pertinent cases in America where the court only met twice. Arraignment, then the actual case and the verdict was issued, case closed. I know many Americans who have had to deal with jealous relatives in the PI and all have the same confused look when talking about it. How can these things go on? It all comes down to the desire to finish what you start. There is no reason to finish it. They are content pushing it back and back and never facing it. I fear that until the people put importance on justice, that tree will never grow. I feel for you brother, but if you are paying your bills and surviving, stay there. There are not many jobs here. I too am in the construction business and see my colleagues unemployed. I am one of the lucky ones. "...And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
    warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
    resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
    to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
    in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
    time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    It is its natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson

    In the Philippines, it might be time to water the tree of liberty with some blood.
